The Term Debt to Income Ratio Explained
One of the many reasons to hire a real estate agent is so they can help you understand lender and real estate jargon. If you’ve never applied for a loan before, you have likely never heard the phrase, “Debt to Income Ratio”. These words may determine whether or not...
The Term Deed Explained
Good deeds, bad deeds, and then there are real deeds. ”Real” deed you ask? Yes! As in Real Estate deeds! In this post, we will go over: Quit Claim deeds, Special Warranty deeds, and General Warranty deeds. According to, “A property deed is a legal...
The Term Down Payment Explained
There are a lot of rumors that fly around the term “down payment," so much so that a lot of people don’t believe they can purchase a home without a sizeable chunk of money tucked away in their savings account. In reality you don't have to have a 20% down payment to...
The Term Dual Agency Explained
There are two sides to everything: dark to light, morning to night, front to back. In real estate, there is buying and selling. With two parts of a transaction, that means there are two sides to be represented. Which brings us to Dual Agency. Dual Agency occurs when...
The Term Easement Explained
All land must have access. No property can be landlocked. So what happens when the land around the landlocked property isn't owned by the same person? If there is no other way to access the landlocked parcel then the owner of the adjacent property must give an...
The Term Duplex Explained
Multi-family housing can come in many forms in the real estate industry. We are going to discuss one form in particular, the duplex. There are several reasons you may want to live in, or own one. A duplex essentially has one foundation with one structure but it has a...
The Term Encroachment Explained
Everyone likes their space, especially their personal space. Personal space can be defined in many ways, today we are defining your personal space as it relates to your property. When you buy a house the lot that it is on has a legal description that defines exactly...
The Term Equity Explained
Equity. E Q U I TY This is the word you want in your vocabulary when you’re looking for a home, when you own a home or when you’re selling a home. Equity is important because it shows the amount of the property that you actually own. A lot or a little, you...
The Term Flood Insurance Explained
Flood insurance, while no one wants it, can save you a lot of grief if you live in a flood plain. So how do you know if you need Flood Insurance? Dave Ramsey’s article ( offers a lot of great information regarding...
The Term Floodplain Explained
Perhaps the most unpredictable and one of the more devastating natural occurrences, water. Water makes up most of the earth, of our bodies, of our life. It is our most precious resource, but it has been known to be the source of major catastrophes. Just because you...
The Term Homeowners Insurance Explained
Insurance comes in many forms: automobile, renters, valuable property, boat, HOME. When you’re buying a house, one of the steps you must take before closing is providing proof of homeowners insurance. A piece of advice: follow what the commercials say and bundle! ...
The Term “IRSA” or “Inspection Repair and Survey Addendum” Explained
If you’re trying to understand what an Inspection Repair and Survey Addendum is, give yourself a pat on the back because you’ve probably just gotten a property under contract. To put it simply, an Inspection Repair and Survey Addendum, or as we will refer to it from...
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