Le Chocolate Feast

Le Chocolate Feast

My youngest was 3 months old when her adoring 3 year old brother offered her her first solid food while she was in her cute little baby swing being a sweet little, happy baby.  It was a square of chocolate.  When Momma wasn’t looking.  I turned around to find my baby with chocolate all over her face.  She was licking her lips and grinning ear to ear.  Terrified I began to ask what had happened.  Her brother began to say, “But she likes it, Momma!  She loves it!  Look at her, Momma.  She really likes it!  She loves it!  She wants more chocolate!!!”  Needless to say, this child is now 6 years old and her favorite food is still chocolate.

If you or someone you love has a weakness for chocolate as my littlest does, you need to buy tickets for Le Chocolate Feast.  It is the 17th year for the event benefitting The Pink Divas. The event will be held this Saturday, January 31st from 10am – 3pm at the Northwest Arkansas Mall.

If you are interested in buying or selling real estate in Northwest Arkansas,

contact me, Jill Bell, for more information.


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