If you have ever wondered what the difference between a broker and a salesperson are, you could say it is the difference between getting an associate’s degree and a bachelor’s degree. Using a broker rather than an agent can benefit you in a few ways;...
Whether you are a client (buyer/seller), a real estate agent, or a broker, you will likely find yourself researching a brokerage. Let’s start at the beginning: An individual wants to start a career in real estate, so they take the necessary steps to get their license....
Free and clear is what we all strive for, right? Clear skin, conscious, roadways and, definitely, the title to anything you own. Once you have a property under contract, the title company that you choose to handle your closing will do a title search as a part of the...
As a real estate agent our compensation is based solely on commission. So how does this work and where does the money come from? In most cases there are two agents splitting the commission on a home purchase. With a Buyer’s Agent & Seller’s Agent, the two parties...
I would never recommend comparing yourself or your life to someone else’s. However, I would recommend looking up the comps on your property or a property you’re interested in purchasing! Comps (short for comparable) are formed from the value of a recently sold...
First things first, if you think you are ready to buy a house, you need to get prequalified. Getting prequalified may tell you more than just what you can afford, but also what type of loan you qualify for. Of course, understanding what each loan is will help you...