What Does the Real Estate Market Look Like in Northwest Arkansas?

What Does the Real Estate Market Look Like in Northwest Arkansas?

Is real estate a good investment in NWA? The answer is YES! Real estate in Northwest Arkansas is a great place to invest your money! Continue reading to see why this is true. My name is Jill Bell.  I’m a real estate broker in Northwest Arkansas.  I’ve been...
The Term Addendum Explained

The Term Addendum Explained

Addendums would be super handy if we could use them in everyday life, but alas, we usually only find them with legal documents and definitely in real estate transactions, which is still not a bad place to find them. “An addendum is an attachment to a contract that...
The Term Appraisal Explained

The Term Appraisal Explained

Have you ever wondered who actually knows what your home is worth? Some of the services out there provide an estimate based on sales in your area or the age of your home. This doesn’t always provide an accurate number of your home’s value. Let’s say you have...
Appraised Value vs. Assessed Value In Real Estate

Appraised Value vs. Assessed Value In Real Estate

These two terms should not be confused, as they mean very different things. Appraised Value refers to the value an appraiser assigns to your home using comparable and adjustments. If you are using a mortgage loan to buy a home the bank will require an appraisal. The...
The Term Appreciation Explained

The Term Appreciation Explained

Everyone loves to be appreciated. It could be for anything… doing a good job, working really hard, or doing something for someone you didn’t have to do. Perhaps every time you complete an act that deserves appreciation, your worth increases in the eyes of the...
The Term Back-Up Offer Explained

The Term Back-Up Offer Explained

For any plan you have, you should always have a plan B. You can never be sure what will happen in any given situation, so it’s always good to cover all of your bases. In real estate, this could look like a Back-up Offer. Just like a formal offer, a back-up offer is an...